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About us

LUCOBIT AG sets itself apart from the competition through its innovative strength and regards this as an essential basis for long-term success on the market. Through continuous research and development, we are able to offer our customers innovative products that give them a decisive competitive advantage.

Our focus is on the continuous optimisation of our materials in order to adapt them precisely to the specific requirements of our customers. In doing so, we focus on the further development of individual formulations for different applications. This dynamic approach characterises LUCOBIT's materials research and is reflected in our many years of experience in the development and production of thermoplastic polyolefins.

Exterior view of a LUCOBIT industrial building

The customer is our focus

A central element of our success strategy is the close dialogue with our customers, market partners, experts and scientific institutes. This allows us to draw on an international network of experts who are involved in our project work as required. This co-operation enables us to keep our finger on the pulse and to incorporate the needs of our customers into our development processes.

Two male persons in a business conversation

Research as a driver of innovations

Our materials research team consists of highly competent specialists who apply their knowledge and expertise in first-class equipped laboratory facilities and with state-of-the-art testing and process technologies. This not only ensures that we maintain the highest quality standards for our current product range, but also creates a solid foundation for future innovations. Our customers can rely on us to continuously develop new technologies that provide them with sustainable competitive support and give them a head start in the market.

Overall, our innovation endeavours are a central component of our corporate philosophy. We endeavour to continually offer our customers innovative solutions that exceed their requirements and put them at the forefront of their industry. With our advanced materials research and strong commitment to innovation, we are well equipped to remain a leader in the plastics processing industry.

Two hands full of colorless plastic granules made from Lucofin

Where do we come from?

The history of our company began over 60 years ago. The Lucobit® brand was developed and patented back in 1953 by the two companies Shell and BASF AG.

It is based on decades of expertise in the research, development and production of flexible polyolefins as well as partnership-based co-operation with leading companies.

History of the LUCOBIT company

folder company